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Denon AVR X2800H network audio Next Track over RS232 or IP
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Post 1 made on Friday December 8, 2023 at 08:01
Chris @ Broomwood
Lurking Member
February 2010
When streaming, I can do 'next track' or 'previous track' using the I/R handheld, but I cannot find an RS232 slash IP command to do this.
I'm looking at the Denon CY2022 command spreadsheet dated October 2022.

Am I missing something obvious?
OP | Post 2 made on Wednesday December 13, 2023 at 13:19
Chris @ Broomwood
Lurking Member
February 2010
OK, I've found the answer.
In addition to the 'human readable' serial/IP commands like 'Z2ON' or 'SITUNER' there are plethora of commands to simulate button pushes from the native I/R handset. The protocol document actually says this on a tab labelled 'Extension Command'. This is the something obvious that I'd failed to spot the significance of!.
However, that tab does not contain the list of IR codes you could send.

Those are contained in a Word document I found on the Denon site called:

In that 27-page document, I found codes for SKIP PLUS and SKIP MINUS for Zone 2, which map to the >>| and |<< buttons on the remote - they are 'RCKSK0430995', and 'RCKSK0430996' respetively (page 20).
If sending them, remember to add the CR character at the end (like all commands).

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