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Denon Protocol
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Post 1 made on Wednesday March 2, 2022 at 06:51
Long Time Member
January 2006
I have a Denon X4500, 2018 model. I've been controlling Denon units via ip for many years and I have the Denon ip protocol Excel sheet that's all over the internet. However, I think it's somewhat aged a bit. I'm looking for an updated version that would include the X4500. I'm working on surround modes for feedback to my controller but the responses in the nomenclature aren't correct. I have to use Hercules to query the receiver on a currently playing surround mode to get the correct response back.
For example, the response in the older version for Dolby Digital + + Dolby surround is; MSDOLBY DD+ + DS but the actual response from the receiver is ; MSDOLBY AUDIO-DD+ + DSUR.
Does anyone know where I might find a current Denon protocol that would include the 4500?
Post 2 made on Saturday April 9, 2022 at 13:37
Long Time Member
May 2005
Try the protocol for the Marantz SR7015, which should be the same. It’s a 2021 update: [Link:]

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