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Sharp LC-70N7100U IP control
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Post 1 made on Tuesday January 30, 2018 at 10:03
Lurking Member
July 2005
Hello all, I am trying to program this TV into a Crestron system. I can use IR or IP (no rs-232 available). I only need discrete's for power and input but can't find them. The standard IR commands for every other Sharp TV don't work at all. I have tried to connect via IP but the standard Sharp IP port of 10002 isn't open. I did a "open port" test and found 7 ports open but none of them have given me control or gotten a response from the TV (but connection does open). Sharp tech support is useless, as they told me they don't support external control (which I know is not true). After a little on-line research I have found that this TV is NOT a Sharp TV but rather some other brand with the Sharp name on it. If you search this model number on their website, it doesn't even show up. It took tech support 10 minutes to even find it. Sorry, ranting. Has anyone used this TV and did you find a way to control it?

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