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Long RS 232 Run
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Post 1 made on Monday May 22, 2017 at 22:38
Long Time Member
September 2006
I just moved two URC MX-2's (along with the rest of the AV Stack) to a dedicated closet and I can't get the devices hooked up to the serial ports to function (3 Sony TV's). All hooked up the same way, it's just a longer run, nothing really bad, maybe 20'. Cables are good, tried some A/B testing hooking the same cables up to some IR emitters and it's all functional. Just using standard 3.5mm stereo cables. Any suggestions?
Icarus D
Post 2 made on Tuesday May 23, 2017 at 17:37
Super Member
March 2008
Can you adjust the baud rate? DSC IT-100 interface allows you to change the baud rate for longer distances, don't know about the Sonys, just a thought.

Maybe need better cables? Long distance RS232 can be a pain in the butt. My Panasonic Pro plasma hated RS232 at 25'. Couldn't get it to work reliably at all. Went back to IR.
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