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Samsung QM85D-BR
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Post 1 made on Monday April 10, 2017 at 16:23
Lurking Member
April 2017
I am using URC Total Control and i am not having any luck controlling a Samsung QM85D-BR TV via RS-232. I stared with IR and had no luck with that either. Now i am just stuck!! This is the first TV i have run into in a long time that is this big of a pain in the A**. I am hoping some one on here has dealt with this before. Please someone help!!!

Here is whats in the system for this room:

URC MX-10 (Main Controller for whole the building and part of this room)
URC MRX-2 (Behind The TV for RS232)
URC TKP-2000
Samsung QM85D-BR
BSS blu-100
In focus Light show
Brightsign Player
There is also a local HDMI and audio jack in the room
OP | Post 2 made on Tuesday April 11, 2017 at 17:18
Lurking Member
April 2017
On April 10, 2017 at 16:23, MixMaster9475 said...
I am using URC Total Control and i am not having any luck controlling a Samsung QM85D-BR TV via RS-232. I stared with IR and had no luck with that either. Now i am just stuck!! This is the first TV i have run into in a long time that is this big of a pain in the A**. I am hoping some one on here has dealt with this before. Please someone help!!!

Here is whats in the system for this room:

URC MX-10 (Main Controller for whole the building and part of this room)
URC MRX-2 (Behind The TV for RS232)
URC TKP-2000
Samsung QM85D-BR
BSS blu-100
In focus Light show
Brightsign Player
There is also a local HDMI and audio jack in the room

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