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Wall Plate solution to control AVR Zone 3 with or without Harmony Hub
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Post 1 made on Wednesday January 4, 2017 at 20:55
Lurking Member
January 2017
I'm in search of a solution for my master bathroom. I have a Sony STR-DA3100ES zone 3 powered output driving 2 in-ceiling speakers.

I want to be able to control power, volume and source of zone 3 of the receiver with a wall plate in the bathroom.

Currently, I am controlling the setup with a smart phone and Harmony app and have an activity that powers on zone 3 of the AVR and switches to FM source via the Harmony hub IR blaster. I'd like to have a wall plate that affords me the same functionality for my wife to use.

The Sony AVR has, from what I can tell, 3 methods of input: IR, RS232 and Sony Control-S. My preference would be to interface with the Harmony Hub and then use that to blast IR so that this solution could carry-over if I ever switch out the AVR to a different brand or one that does not have RS232 support.

I also intend on adding a smart hub, most likely the Samsung Smart Things which could be leveraged in this solution. Do they perhaps make Z-wave enabled audio control plates?

I would appreciate hearing my options. I'm not very well versed in whole home audio and have a few ideas but they aren't exactly straight forward. Thanks in advance. I hope I've posted this in the appropriate section. I'm new.
OP | Post 2 made on Tuesday January 10, 2017 at 15:35
Lurking Member
January 2017
The solution I've decided to go with is just an IR repeater wall plate in the master bathroom. Hooked up to the bathroom zone of the Aton DLA6 IR Input. Then the IR Output from the DLA6 connected to the IR input of the Sony AVR.

I'll buy a cheap, waterproof, LRC and program the appropriate functions into it. I can then control all the devices from the shower.

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