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X10 Lighting - All Bright/Dim
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Post 1 made on Sunday April 18, 1999 at 19:55
Tom Strade
Historic Forum Post
Is there a command to DIM/BRIGHT ALL my X10 lamp modules? I'd like to address them individually, but be able to dim them all concurrently for HT scenerios if necessary.


OP | Post 2 made on Monday April 19, 1999 at 09:39
Barry Gordon
Historic Forum Post
Yes. The X10 system allows you to send unit addresses selecting units without sending a command. The next command will operate all selected units. If you give me an email address I will send you a ccf that works this way. I assume you are using the common IR tio X10 converter. Also all units of the house code are adressable, notjust what appears to be available.

i believe all of this data is in a posting on the prontoedit BBS inthe ccf download area, search for "MS word" to find a general discussion of IR to X10 using the Pronto

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