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Weiser Powerbolt locks\X-10 8 in 1 remote
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Post 1 made on Monday March 6, 2000 at 23:29
Historic Forum Post
Hello everyone. Just getting started with X-10 and was cruising the forum when I found a post about X-10 control of Weiser Powerbolt door locks. I'm new to all of this but the suggestions seemed valid. Being a locksmith by profession, I can give some info that may or may not help. Yes, they are compatible with Homelink as advertised. They use rolling code tech. for billions of codes. The remotes will operate Chamberlain, Lift-Master, and Sears Craftsman garage door openers equipped with "Security+" anti theft coding. They do Not work directly with Genie openers.
I assume Genie uses a different frequency. Weiser sells a garage door module that will adapt any openers to work with the remote. They also sell wireless keypads and plug in lamp modules in the system. Kwikset lock company markets products under the
"Access One" system. Their remote works directly with Genie openers and Kwikset's soon to be relased lamp modules. I have evaluated both brands products at great length and I feel the Weiser products are of better design and quality, at least from a locksmiths point of view. Hope this info might help someone come up with more ideas on how to integrate these products into X-10 systems.
I personally would like to use my powerbolt transmitter to control my code jumping car alarm. I hate having two bulky remotes on my key ring. Any ideas?
Also, I have a Radio Shack 15-1924\X-10 8-in-1 remote with IR and RF built in. I like the direct control of X-10 modules but have been unable to clear the remote of learned functions from my old reciever,TV, and vcr.
It is "locked up". Any suggestions?

I know this is lengthy but I was hoping to come to the table with some useful info in addition to my questions. Thanks.

Post 2 made on Friday February 5, 2010 at 01:18
Lurking Member
February 2010
Very nice information.Thanks for sharing.

24 hour london locksmiths

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