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Control system for complex ceiling lamp
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Post 1 made on Saturday November 16, 2013 at 13:07
Lurking Member
November 2013
I built a fancy ceiling lamp for my home which has lights on three separate circuits, one is an Color-changeable LED strip light from Lumilum that comes with an IR remote, the other two are sets of LED bulbs wired together. This has replaced a standard ceiling light controlled by two 3-way switches.

The electrician who helped me with the installation said that there was not room to run two extra sets of power lines to control the two additional circuits, but that I could control them all with an Insteon system. Unfortunately, The Insteon never worked right. The dimming never worked, there's weird interaction between the two scenes, and random flickering. The responses from Insteon support have been very slow. I'm super frustrated and looking at other solutions now.

So, to recap, I have one power line coming down from the ceiling that needs to provide always-on power to the strip lighting and separately controllable, dimmable power to two separate sets of LED bulbs. The receivers need to be wired, not plug-in, and relatively compact. These need to be controlled from two wall switches. Actually, one wall switch just needs to control one of the circuits, while the other should control two.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
Post 2 made on Wednesday November 20, 2013 at 12:12
Long Time Member
August 2012
I would suggest z-wave micro controllers, one relay for the on/off only circuit, and two dimmers for the others.  If you associate them with the right switches you could also operate them as 3-ways plus have local control.  The micro receivers are very small, about 2" square and about 3/4" thick so you can put them almost anywhere.  We sell all these products in our stores so if you are interested, please contact me.  I would recommend a bit of testing with the micro dimmers first as not all dimmable led's work for all dimmers.  It sometimes depends upon brands in this day and age, as you found out with Insteon.

Hope that helped!
OP | Post 3 made on Friday November 22, 2013 at 11:14
Lurking Member
November 2013
Thanks for replying. Is there a wall switch that can control all 3 microcontrollers? I found a few that have multiple buttons to control different scenes, but I can't tell if they can acts as dimmers.
Post 4 made on Sunday November 24, 2013 at 13:49
Long Time Member
August 2012
Yes I believe Leviton has some 3 button or more controllers which could be associated to the micro switches, then installed at another location.  Or you could probably do the same thing with a GE secondary controller that supports scenes as well.  That would probably be your most affordable option but you would have to get a primary controller to do all this, either a battery operated one or a gateway controller for a PC or internet connected.  The GE switch is battery operated as well.  Again, we do have everything you would need, except the Leviton is very expensive (and very good) but is special order for us.

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