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Adding keypad to Lutron Homeworks
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Post 1 made on Saturday July 13, 2013 at 08:34
Lurking Member
September 2008

I'm looking to add an extra keypad to my existing Lutron Homeworks System.

Is it just as easy as wiring the new keypad to the closest keypad e.g.

The keypad has 4 wires
1 - Com
2 - Power
3 - Mux
3 - Mux
Post 2 made on Tuesday July 16, 2013 at 15:21
Super Member
January 2003
No, it's not that easy.

First, which HomeWorks system do you have?

a. Original HomeWorks?
b. HomeWorks Interactive?
c. HomeWorks Illumination?
d. HomeWorks QS?

Second, you have to make sure you're not exceeding the limits (power and data) for the particular link you're connecting to (the parameters will depend on the version of HomeWorks.

Lastly, the keypad will need to be programmed or it won't do anything. For that you need the software. The software has to match the version of HomeWorks that you have. If you have an Original HomeWorks system you'll need a 32-bit computer because that software will not install on a 64-bit PC.

My advice? Call an authorized Lutron HomeWorks dealer.
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OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday July 17, 2013 at 15:55
Lurking Member
September 2008
Thanks Dave,

It Homework Illumination Series 4 on a P5 processor.

I have the software and have programming changes in the past and have also added new lights onto a spare circuit of an existing WPM but not added a keypad.

I also changed the processor from a p4 to p5.

The current system has about 12 or so keypads so I think I have some way to go before I exceed the limits but interested on how the wiring works for the keypads.

Looking at another party of the house it has two keypads wiring connected to the same wires going back to the processor unit.

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