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WF2IR alternative
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Post 1 made on Tuesday November 29, 2011 at 03:16
Lurking Member
November 2011
Hi all
I need (read "want") to turn on the AC in my house remotely. I have never dealt with remotes before, but I am a computer science engineer, so i thought that a IR transmitter controlled over wifi by a PC (which is always on) would be the way to go. I should be able to do all the programming, and somehow expose an control interface over the internet, to control from my iphone.
I have researched quite a bit, but so far I have only been able to find Global Cache WF2IR ([Link:]), but at 118/pc is a pit on the pricey side. (given I need 5 of them)
Are there any alternatives to this device? (or alternative solutions)

Thanks in advance!

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