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Home Automation for Apartment Question
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Post 1 made on Monday November 21, 2011 at 14:31
Lurking Member
November 2011
Well I've looked into X-10, Insteon, Z-Wave, etc. from Smarthome for awhile now, but I also rent right now. It's only temporary so I don't want to do anything major just control the lighting fixtures (mainly in my viewing area). I also don't want to just throw it away when I move though. Are any of the aforementioned technologies worth investing into at the moment to control about three to five switches? If so which ones have you guys had the most luck with. I've read up on the couplers and such for X-10 and I think that my violate my that a necessity for such a small application? Currently would be using a TSU7000 to control them. I'll know I'll need the base to convert from IR to RF. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Post 2 made on Monday April 7, 2014 at 07:51
Lurking Member
April 2014
I am using TSU3000 which is indeed a great one. TSU7000 being it's upgraded I still prefer TSU300.

Last edited by earlrene on June 2, 2014 07:40.
Post 3 made on Thursday April 10, 2014 at 15:57
Long Time Member
August 2012
I cannot speak to whether or not the TSU7000 is good or bad, as I do not know the remote.  But I am a home automation retailer and sell everything you just mentioned.  For you as an apartment dweller, the tech that is easily expandable and easiest to use along with reliable is either Insteon or Z-Wave.  Both are wireless RF and Insteon is also PLC as well.  You can get a battery operated wireless controller for either system and use it to control as many switches, plug-in modules, thermostats, door locks, whatever you want and then expand into a more permanent controller that plugs into your home network wirelessly later.  Or you can do that now!  Whatever you want to do can be done now.

It is quite affordable too, you could get a remote for about $50 that can control all 3-5 switches at once or individually, each one costing less than $38-$39 each.  IMO it is really very affordable for what you are trying to do.  Later on, most controllers can easily be matched with an iPhone or Android app for free that allows total control of your entire system.

I use my Android every day whether I am home or in the office, even away to control and keep tabs on my system.  And when I am at home I just programmed everything into a universal remote so I can also use my A/V HDTV/DVD/Cable box all with one remote that does my lighting too.  I spent maybe $3-400 total for everything!

Hope that helps!

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