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Controling the 2nd reciever of a Dish Network VIP 622 with a Harmony 880
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Post 1 made on Sunday June 12, 2011 at 11:43
Lurking Member
June 2011
Does any one know what MHz the 2nd remote for a VIP 622 operates on?
I'm looking to control the 2nd tuner of my 622 with my Harmony 880 programmable remote.
The main problem is that tuner 2 only uses UHF to control it in Dual Mode and the 880 work on IR not RF, I'm looking for a IR to RF converter that works on the same frequency as my 622.

I have found IR to RF to IR extenders that will allow you to control any ir device from a distance or non line of site, but I don't want to convert it back to IR if I do I'll be controlling the main TV in Dual mode.

Post 2 made on Wednesday June 15, 2011 at 13:17
Active Member
December 2005
First off thei is forum is for Lighting Control, you should be asking in the Consumer Remot Brands/Lofitech Harmony forum, but to answer your question the TV2 operates on UHF, and no Harmony or any universal remote is able to control it.  I believe that Dish offers an Adapter that would allow you to control TV2 via IR.  The link I had no longer works.

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