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want to control some fans
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Post 1 made on Tuesday May 3, 2011 at 13:09
Lurking Member
May 2011
Hi, i'm not sure if this is the proper place for it on these forums, but here i go

I have a 4 box fans, similar to

but not exactly i couldn't find it on thier site...but same idea

wondering if i could wire all of them to like a power strip or extension cord and plug that into a remote lamp dimmer and control how fast the fans work?

essiantially i'd like to "dim" my fans instead of having to unplug and plug them whenever i want to use the room.

also they have on/low/medium/high settings already on them, would i need to take them all apart and bypass that or would i just leave them on the "high" setting and let the controller do all the work.....

thank you

oh, i'm not all technically savy when it comes to electicity, please dumb it down for me...k thanks
Post 2 made on Wednesday May 4, 2011 at 12:53
Active Member
December 2005
Lamp dimmers, only work with Incandescent lights, not anything with a motor.

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