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X10 Eagle Eye MS16a not transmitting (both - new)
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Post 1 made on Saturday October 2, 2010 at 20:18
Lurking Member
June 2008
just received two new MS16A's and I had a MS14a that I though wasn't working. All don't transmit but they do detect as indicated on the top LEDS. Press the manual on and off keys - both don't send. Verified this by checking through my 1132CU (Smarthome) computer interface. I have a keychain remote and palm remote - both transmit perfectly.

I can see maybe one not working but all three? What could be going on? I have a wireless router that I turned off - still same results.
Post 2 made on Tuesday April 5, 2011 at 17:30
Lurking Member
April 2011
These devices transmit on frequency A1 = is default from factory.
The receiving device must also be set to A1 = to test the devices.
These M14a and M16a are ON/OFF switches ONLY.
Problem could be in the receiver and not the senders.
Refer to the user Guide - downloadable at:


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