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NEED Home A/V distribution equip recommendation
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Post 1 made on Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 12:18
Long Time Member
August 2010
Can you recommend what brand of audio (4in -4out) and HDTV 4x4(component/HDMI) for a new house? What is the opinion about ATON HDTV 4x4 over cat5e or similar Xantech? Is it better for a main multi-channel amp distribution or the new digital (sinle gang-box 30w) amp systems better? Looking for a closet type of system with only IR/RF connection for video and 4x4 audio with in-room control. Options????
Gig'em Aggies
Post 2 made on Wednesday August 18, 2010 at 10:44
Active Member
December 2005
On August 17, 2010 at 12:18, JMSTAMU said...
Can you recommend what brand of audio (4in -4out) and HDTV 4x4(component/HDMI) for a new house? What is the opinion about ATON HDTV 4x4 over cat5e or similar Xantech? Is it better for a main multi-channel amp distribution or the new digital (sinle gang-box 30w) amp systems better? Looking for a closet type of system with only IR/RF connection for video and 4x4 audio with in-room control. Options????

This is a Forum for Lighting control, not autio control

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