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Fluorescent Light Bulb
This thread has 2 replies. Displaying all posts.
Post 1 made on Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 09:06
Edison Jones
Lurking Member
May 2010
Hi friends

Few days ago I got an information about Eco friendly Light Bulbs from slkosher com and want to share with you. Hope it is going to help you lot.
Green fluorescent light bulbs are some of our most popular sellers because they do the job at an affordable price without harming the earth. From compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL) that fit practically any type of outlet to LED street lights.

Last edited by Edison Jones on May 24, 2010 09:20.
Post 2 made on Wednesday May 19, 2010 at 17:19
Founding Member
April 2002
"Green fluorescent light bulbs are some of our most popular sellers because they do the job at an affordable price without harming the earth."

What about the energy consumed in their manufacture?
What about the mercury inside of them?
What about the energy used in fabricating semiconductors?
Sounds like you're trying to sell something.
Post 3 made on Thursday May 20, 2010 at 14:11
Long Time Member
November 2003
Sounds like you're trying to sell something.

LOL, guess it's just a coincidence that it's his first post ever on this board!

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