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Honeywell Enviracom
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Post 1 made on Tuesday April 6, 2010 at 09:08
Long Time Member
August 2007
I know that Enviracom has been touched on before, but I an tackling it again and have a few questions for anyone who has figured it out. I'm about 95% done on an app for the Philips Pronto 9600 that communicates over the Enviracom bus. I have the C source code from Honeywell (converted to JavaScript) and have temperature setpoints and scheduling worked out. It seems however that the stuff from Honeywell doesn't address Humidifier setpoints, Dehumidifier setpoints and Ventilation control. I figured out the Humidity setpoints "22A0" but nothing else. It appears that the bus is sending additional info, but I haven't been able to reverse engineer it yet. It doesn't appear the thermostats send codes for Frost Protection or Humidifier status so I'm wondering if the bus just doesn't support those function. I do know it supports more than the Honeywell app is showing.

Anyone get any further with the Enviracom codes? 3110? 30C9? 31F0? 31E3?
Mark Olsen, CTS
Cannon Design

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