On December 27, 2009 at 00:16, Drabert said...
I am just getting started into the lighting controls of home automation and have a quick question. Will one CM15A controller be enough to cover my entire house or will i need another controller for every fuse? I read on a website that it would only work on the one circuit and when i tried it at my house, it didnt work.
some basic info on x10 would be greatly appreciated!
Not sure if you are still having the problem, but to get my grid in-phase I simply added a 2-pole 220 circuit breaker, $14.00 from Home Depot, to my panel and placed a .1uf metal CAP, Digikey part #: P4603-ND ($1.44 + shipping)
www.digikey.com , accross the 2 terminals and it cleared up the problem.
Remember: Electrical shock can kill!