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IR 543 remote codes
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Post 1 made on Saturday December 26, 2009 at 03:02
Lurking Member
December 2009

Merry Christmas to all of you. I need some help with IR543 IR module module too. I have this module and I also have a SlingBox Solo that is mainly to control over the net TV's, VCR's, Cameras, it has a IR control too, there is an option for other devices and to introduce a custom IR remote code, I am not sure how this works. I looked into the web and I got 0782 for a code using X10 IR remote (custom IR controller from X10), try to introduce this code but this does not work. I asked Sling customer service what to introduce as code but they asked me to get first a file or files with X10 Pro devices commands needed, then update the database of my IR543. I am not sure what kind of file they asked to get, I've seen in previous mails some codes but I am not really sure what are the files or codes I need.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Post 2 made on Tuesday January 12, 2010 at 16:03
Lurking Member
December 2009
Hi Josep,

I am not familiar with the slingbox but still may be able to help. When u say the Sling box has IR Control too, do you mean it has its own IR remote control?
It sounds like you are trying to control your homes X-10 lights/appliances with the same remote as you control the slingbox. Is that correct?

If both of these answers are yes, then it seems to me that you simply need a remote which can learn the slingboxes IR commands PLUS one which supports X-10 commands. I may be able to help you with that if my assumptions are right. Let me know.
Kelly R. Foster
President & C.E.O.
OP | Post 3 made on Friday January 15, 2010 at 00:00
Lurking Member
December 2009
Dear Kelly,

I just read the response, I thought nobody would answer. Thanks for your answer, I guess the response is yes to your questions. SlingBox has a remote control IR cable that is placed close to the IR point sensor of the device we would like to control. In the software setup there is a possibility to choose from different pre-defined devices, unfortunately most of them are TV's, DVR,s Cable Boxes, etc no home automation devices, there is an option to place custom codes but you need to know the codes for the particular device, when I asked the SlingBox customer service they told me that I had to get these codes for IR543 so I can put the IR cable close to the IR sensor and control with the LsingBox the IR543 and therefore the X10 devices seen by the IR543. The idea is to control using SlingBox because I can see the Box on the Internet and can control the IR remote over the Internet and I could control the X10 devices like that. I have a Harmony 550 and it works with IR543 but I can't control with SlingBox the Harmony 550 directly. So I would like to know how can I get the IR543 codes need to update the database of the SlingBox IR system, if it's possible to learn codes or something like that what would be the procedure.

Thanks in advance for your help, time and consideration.

Post 4 made on Friday January 15, 2010 at 10:00
Active Member
December 2005
On January 15, 2010 at 00:00, josep said...
Dear Kelly,

I just read the response, I thought nobody would answer. Thanks for your answer, I guess the response is yes to your questions. SlingBox has a remote control IR cable that is placed close to the IR point sensor of the device we would like to control. In the software setup there is a possibility to choose from different pre-defined devices, unfortunately most of them are TV's, DVR,s Cable Boxes, etc no home automation devices, there is an option to place custom codes but you need to know the codes for the particular device, when I asked the SlingBox customer service they told me that I had to get these codes for IR543 so I can put the IR cable close to the IR sensor and control with the LsingBox the IR543 and therefore the X10 devices seen by the IR543. The idea is to control using SlingBox because I can see the Box on the Internet and can control the IR remote over the Internet and I could control the X10 devices like that. I have a Harmony 550 and it works with IR543 but I can't control with SlingBox the Harmony 550 directly. So I would like to know how can I get the IR543 codes need to update the database of the SlingBox IR system, if it's possible to learn codes or something like that what would be the procedure.

Thanks in advance for your help, time and consideration.


The Slingbox cannot be controlled by IR The IR cables control the device that the cables are attached to.  The Slingbox sends commands via the IR cables to wontrol whatever the cables are attached to such as power, changing channels, recording, viewing recordings.  I have a Slingbox setup to one on my DirecTV DVR, so my daughter in Zurich can record and watch US TV channels, on her TV in Zurich.  There is no controlling the Slingbox, only controlling the devices attached to the Slingbox.
Post 5 made on Friday January 15, 2010 at 14:18
Elite Member
April 2002
UEI code for x10 is Home Auto 0167. Later remotes had this loaded under CD, so give S0167 a try under all devices.
Post 6 made on Tuesday February 9, 2010 at 06:31
Lurking Member
February 2010
I dont have an idea regarding this IR 543 ..Can anyone tell me the features of this IR 543 ???

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Post 7 made on Wednesday February 10, 2010 at 18:08
Active Member
December 2005
On February 9, 2010 at 06:31, samuelcdanny said...
I dont have an idea regarding this IR 543 ..Can anyone tell me the features of this IR 543 ???

electric panel heaters

The IR-543 receiver is used for controlling X10 lighting devices and switches for converting IR commands from an X10 compatible remote to signals sent over the power line controlling the X10 modules and switches
Post 8 made on Thursday February 11, 2010 at 16:28
Lurking Member
December 2009
i have an harmony 1100 remote... the ir 543 is the link for the remote to talk to the light switches etc. very inexpensive & works well

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