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Intermittent Universal Module - UM506
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Post 1 made on Friday May 29, 2009 at 14:25
Lurking Member
May 2009
I'm using a Universal Module, UM506, to control a recirculating hot water pump. I have the module set to "momentary" so I get about a 1-2 sec. on pulse every time I hit the button on the controller. 99% of the time the module works perfectly.

Sometimes the module hangs up and does not return to the off state. This causes the pump to run constantly, until I disconnect the module or unplug the pump. I have tried three new modules and they all do the same. I find it hard to believe that I have run into three intermittent modules in a row.

When the module is stuck in the on state, I found that I can hit the off button on the controller and the relay will click off.

What do I need to do the make sure this module will always operate in the "momentary" mode?

Post 2 made on Wednesday July 22, 2009 at 11:13
Long Time Member
August 2004
I am using the momentary beeper function and is doíng something simliar. it was working OK but now it seems to get stuck on for a long time. I have two of these modules and only one does it so I will try swapping them around to see if its the module. The other possibility is connected to the fact I am using an RF on command from a CM15 to activate it. The reiliable one is acviated via mains. I did try sending an RF off command after the on but it didn't seem to help. Will post back if I find anything out.
OP | Post 3 made on Friday August 14, 2009 at 10:48
Lurking Member
May 2009
I am trying a surge protector to see if that stops the intermittent actuation. It seems that the intermittent operation often occurs when another appliance is turned off or on (these other appliances are not connected in any way to the X-10 system).

I went into the outlet box and found that the ground was not properly connected, but the X-10 module is only a 2 prong device. I corrected the ground problem, but it didn't cure the situation. I'll let you know how the surge protector works.
Post 4 made on Monday March 29, 2010 at 05:11
Lurking Member
March 2010
I'm having the same problem with my UM506 running a recirculation pump. Did the surge protector solve the problem? Has anyone tried an X10 Filter?

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