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IR device to Control A/C wall outlet
This thread has 16 replies. Displaying posts 1 through 15.
Post 1 made on Tuesday October 28, 2008 at 13:09
Long Time Member
October 2008
I have a device with no On/Off switch

I would like to turn it on and off with my MX-980. It would have to be and IR device and not RF. I have searched the internet and found many RF controled plug-in outlets that use an Keychan RF remote to turn the outlet on and off. So whatever is plugged into the device will do the same. I want to use my MX-980 to control it, so it would have to be an IR controlled device.

Does anybody know of such a device?

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Post 2 made on Tuesday October 28, 2008 at 20:16
Long Time Member
April 2006
If you add an MSC400, it has two relay outputs on it. You could program a relay to trigger a switch.
OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday October 29, 2008 at 15:27
Long Time Member
October 2008
Thank, for the suggestion, but the MSC400 is too expensive for my appliction.

My device is not in a cabinet/hidden and can bee seen. My approach is to use something on the A/C line that the device plugs into to turn power on & off.

I have found several different Remote A/C Outlets that use RF and not IR to control them. If I use an RF Remote A/C Outlet, then I will have to always have that remote along with the MX-980 which is not what I want to do. If I can find an IR version, I can simply have the MX-980 learn that code and I will only have to use one remote.
Post 4 made on Thursday October 30, 2008 at 06:48
Guy Palmer
Active Member
June 2008
One possibility would be to use X10. You would need two things: an appliance plug-in module and and IR to X10 convertor.

The appliance plug-in module would sit between the plug socket and your device.

The IR to X10 convertor (code name IR543) would sit in another plug socket of your choice. You would send IR commands to the IR543, it would translate them into X10 and send them via your power line to switch the device on and off.

Total cost: around $50 US.
OP | Post 5 made on Thursday October 30, 2008 at 10:28
Long Time Member
October 2008
Guy Palmer, thank you for the great info.

Can I use the X10 15A Split Receptacle Module (Item# 2040) along with the IR543.

I would wire the receptable module to any wall outlet then plug in the IR543 to another outlet. My MX-980 would send IR signal to IR543 then the IR543 sends RF signal to appliance/split receptable module.

How do I program the MX-980 to work with the IR543?

If I am wrong can you explain how it works

What else can I do with the IR543. Can I add more appliance/receptable modules and control them independently.

Aside from the appliance modules what else can you connect and control with the IR543

This setup sounds just like what I am looking for and seems like I can expand on it in the future.

Let me know,

Post 6 made on Thursday October 30, 2008 at 12:12
Guy Palmer
Active Member
June 2008

You could use a Split Receptacle Module but as it requires wiring in I would not recommend that route, certainly to start with. Rather, you should get an Appliance Module which requires no wiring in. At the SmartHome website, the Appliance Module is item# 2001 ([Link:]) or 2002 ([Link:]) depending on whether you want it grounded or not.

As I don't have an MX-980, I don't know how you would program it. The IR543 accepts standard X10 IR codes and on my Pronto such codes are part of its factory database.

Yes, you can add more Appliance Modules (or Lamp Modules) and control these via the IR543. You do this by setting each module to a different code using the dials on the front. However, X10 is not that reliable and whilst I find it good to control a few devices I got a bit frustrated when I tried to move all the devices in my home onto X10. There are other standards which are generally thought to be more reliable, such as Insteon, but as far as I am aware they don't have convertors like the IR543. Also, they don't work in the country that I live in (Australia).

Finally, note that the IR543 sends X10 signals via your electricity cables not RF signals via the ether. No RF is involved.

OP | Post 7 made on Thursday October 30, 2008 at 14:53
Long Time Member
October 2008
Hi Guy,

I called X10 and confirmed that everything will work. I purchased the Split Receptacle Module (SR277), the Appliance Module (AM66) and the IR Mini Controller (IR543) direct from X10 for a total of $52.84 with free shipping. I checked the MX-980 Editor software and it has the X10 codes built into its database so I did not have to purchase the X10 remote just to get the codes.

I appreciate the time you took to list what I needed. Its funny because I came accross when I first started looking for this. I called them about X10 and they told me they did not have anything that would work. Maybe I did not explain it clear enough or the person I talked to did not know much, but I am gald I posted on Remote Central and now have a solution thanks to you.

Post 8 made on Thursday October 30, 2008 at 22:50
Guy Palmer
Active Member
June 2008
Best of luck.
OP | Post 9 made on Monday November 3, 2008 at 11:50
Long Time Member
October 2008
I just rec'd the X10 Infared Mini Controller (IR543) and Super Socket wall outlet (SR227). Works perfectly with my application.

One minor issue is that the super socket is loud when switching on or off. I am wondering if the compatibale Insteon version INSTEON Outletlinc (2473SWH) is as loud when switching on or off.

Guy, any experience with both as far as how loud it is when switching

Let me know

Post 10 made on Monday November 3, 2008 at 13:16
Guy Palmer
Active Member
June 2008

Some of the X10 Appliance Modules do make a loud click (although the Lamp Modules are usually silent). I buy mine (for Australia) from [Link:] as these are much quieter - good Chinese technology. I don't know for sure about the Insteon ones - Insteon doesn't work in Australia - but I think they are nearly silent. I'm sure that any place you want to buy them from will tell you if you ask. But remember that you cannot control Insteon devices using the IR543.
OP | Post 11 made on Monday November 3, 2008 at 15:01
Long Time Member
October 2008
Hi Guy,

I read in the thread: Insteon vs X10 that Insteon modules were compatible with the IR543. Many people were using this combo because Insteon does not have an IR controller and the X10 worked enabling them to use thier IR remote.

I bought both the appliance module and super socket and both make a loud click when turned on or off

Just wondering if someone is using the INSTEON Outletlinc (2473SWH) if it is silent when turning on and off or if it is loud like the X10

Post 12 made on Monday November 3, 2008 at 15:07
Guy Palmer
Active Member
June 2008

If the Insteon device can work with the IR543 then I think that this is only because it can act as an X10 device as well as an Insteon device, in which case it won't be offering any advantages in comparison with a normal X10 device.
OP | Post 13 made on Monday November 3, 2008 at 15:24
Long Time Member
October 2008
Hi Guy,

The advantage for me would be if the Insteon Outletlinc (2473SWH) device is silent.

I have already confirmed that the IR543 with the Super Socket works with no interference, but makes a loud click when turned or off.

I have tried it in different outlets and it has worked evertime.

If the Insteon Outletlinc (2473SWH) is quiet/silent when turning on or off then I would prefer to use that.

The benefit that Insteon offers is for situations were people are having trouble getting all their X10 modules to work as close to 100% as possible. From what I read the Insteon modules are very reliable compared to X10

I only want to know if it the Insteon Outletlinc (2473SWH) quiet and compatible with the X10 Mini Controller IR543

Post 14 made on Tuesday November 4, 2008 at 04:00
Guy Palmer
Active Member
June 2008

I don't think the issue is whether the Insteon device is silent or not. Rather, the issue is whether it is silent or not when operating in X10 emulation mode, as you would need it to operate in this mode to use the IR543 with it. I would guess that the answer is 'no' but I am only guessing. In other words, my guess is that the Insteon device is near silent when operating in Insteon mode but clicks when operating in X10 emulation mode. But, as I say, I am only guessing and the only way you will know for sure is to try it.
Post 15 made on Tuesday November 4, 2008 at 08:50
Bill E.
Founding Member
July 2001
Over the years I have had a lot of customers tell me the loud click from the X10 device was a comfort as they knew that it got the signal and it worked. I believe the insteon devices are based on their last version of X10 modules so it should be very quiet.

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