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x10 Icon remote VS Harmony 880 (or 890)
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Post 1 made on Thursday April 12, 2007 at 10:23
Lurking Member
April 2007
Hi,I was wondering if I could get some advice. I will have some x10 lamp and appliance modules in my home. I'm also in the market for a new Universale remote to control my A/V equip as well as control the x10 modules. Naturally I've been looking at the x10 Icon remote,but won't I need a seperate receiver for these modules? Can a Harmony 880 or 890 do the trick also.I like the look and physical feel of the Harmony better,it will control more devices and I have a feeling it will be better matched to my A/V equip.Any advice is appreciated!!! Thanks!

Last edited by shancros on April 12, 2007 11:38.
Post 2 made on Thursday April 12, 2007 at 21:37
Long Time Member
December 2005
You will need an IR to X10 converter such as the IR543.
I use the IR543 with my Harmony 880 and am very happy with both.

Unfortunately Logitech is screwing with their Web based software and pissing off a lot of us that spent many hours setting up our remotes just the way we wanted them. Now if you update anything on your remote you can loose some of the functionality you used to have. I used to love my Harmony but now I am deathly afraid to update anything for fear of ending up with a paperweight.
Check out the Harmony Remote section of this forum before you buy. They are nice remotes and work well with lots of different A/V and X10 equipment.
Unfortunately I would not longer recommend them due to their recent screwups.
I would now be in favor of a remote that uses locally installed programming software so that you are in control of when you upgrade.
Post 3 made on Friday April 13, 2007 at 16:05
Lurking Member
April 2007
I too have been an avid X10 user of home automation appliances in my home for around 4 years, but had no idea you could use an IR Converter and be able to use a universal remote to control your home.

It seems like i'm going to be in the market for a universal now. Thanks!... I could understand the issues with the 880 considering they are cross-brands of each other. But what do you know about this icon remote? has anyone tried using it yet with much success? it seems like since it was developed by X10 it should function for this reason. but what about the functionality of the remote to control your tv and such?

any info would be appreciated...
Post 4 made on Wednesday April 18, 2007 at 18:01
Long Time Member
August 2005
On April 12, 2007 at 21:37, ELA said...
You will need an IR to X10 converter such as the IR543.
I use the IR543 with my Harmony 880 and am very happy
with both.

ELS, just a quick question. I've searched the threads but didn't find a solid answer to, did the 880 come with x10 codes onboard or did you have to learn them from another remote that had them?

Post 5 made on Thursday April 19, 2007 at 09:14
Long Time Member
December 2005
They are not onboard but loaded from the web data base. Harmony has a great database including all the X10 codes for the IR543. You do not need to learn them.

The large database of the Logitech web-based remote setup is one of its big pluses. Unfortunately they also force you to update to their latest application code every time you visit that site and do any kind of change to your setup. This really stinks!

Good luck,
Post 6 made on Thursday April 19, 2007 at 09:48
Long Time Member
August 2005
ELA, thank you very much.

Post 7 made on Sunday October 17, 2010 at 08:56
Lurking Member
October 2010
Hello, I have the X10 Icon remote and the set up is halfway done. I am having trouble configuring my DVR. Most functions work but the A,B,C keys do not appear anywhere on the X10 remote (these are the keys that allow to modify the LIST of programs recorded ie: to set up a recording or delete one). Any advice on how to go about doing it? Thx

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