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CR 230 Failure again and again and again
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Post 1 made on Tuesday November 7, 2006 at 18:53
Lurking Member
November 2006
Hi, I been using the Cr 230 for years, but it seems the life cycle of these units is 18 months. My third Cr230 just died. Any affordable replacements, these obviously are problematic.
Post 2 made on Tuesday November 7, 2006 at 19:30
Bill E.
Founding Member
July 2001
I would look into why they are failing, we sell a lot of them and 18 months is not the norm. There is a fuse on the circuit board, have you checked it? The good news is the price of these has gone from $350 2 years ago to $109 now.

OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday November 8, 2006 at 00:54
Lurking Member
November 2006
How does the Leviton 4823 compare? I've checked both fuses on the front of the unit, is there an internal one? At this point I have no lights. In the past when it failed it would lock up and the red transmit light would stay on. If I powered it off the red light went out but as soon as I sent a signal it would lock up, and if I recall correctly none of the X 10 stuff would work since it was transmitting garbage.
Post 4 made on Wednesday November 8, 2006 at 22:48
Bill E.
Founding Member
July 2001
The 4823 is SH number for the HCA02-10E which is the worst amplified unit unit you can get. I even have a Leviton engineer buying CR234's to replace the HC units they have in the field. Among the problems they have is the ability to send out random on signals and to lock up on a regular basis. I would replace your CR230 with a CR234 it's a much better unit. If the fuses are bad up front, there is nothing else to do. I misspoke above, the CR234's are $109 the CR230's are now $90.


I have not heard of the failure mode you are describing. It's unfortunate that you are having such a bad problem, it is unusual, if they go a year they usually go for many times that unless they get hit by a spike of some type.

OP | Post 5 made on Tuesday November 28, 2006 at 01:07
Lurking Member
November 2006
Thanks for the info Bill, I ordered the Cr 234 today. Got to get ready for all those Christmas lights! It will get a workout.

I'll give it a try and see if it holds up any better, and solves some of my problems.
Post 6 made on Thursday December 31, 2009 at 00:49
Donald L
Lurking Member
December 2009
Had the CR230 for 4 years when it burned out. Nothing on the X10 remote worked. Tried the remote with the fuses removed and everything works. Don't think I need the CR230. I'm not happy about the 4 year life let alone an 18 month life.

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