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X10 Ramblings
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Post 1 made on Saturday April 3, 1999 at 09:06
Tyson Lee
Historic Forum Post
I just ordered some x10 devices for my home. One of them accepts Ir input and allows for distribution of x10 commands. I cannot wait for it to arrive and test it out with the pronto! This should be a very nice combination. Almost a complete Home Theater now. :)

Anyone out there have this set up already?

OP | Post 2 made on Saturday April 3, 1999 at 15:02
Historic Forum Post
I have the ir to x-10 running it works good. I also got one of those prymid ir extenders so I could use the pronto in the bedroom. Still have alot to learn about x-10 though. Have fun.
OP | Post 3 made on Sunday April 4, 1999 at 15:47
Barry Gane
Historic Forum Post

I have X10 controlled lighting, automated through my Pronto. I use a IR to X10 controller purchased through (4040). You will need to get the Pronto CCF file from Michael Lynch, posted on, called quick_x10.ccf. It has the necessary X10 IR commands for the Pronto for X10 on / off / bright / dim for all 16 devices of a housecode. Yes, it only supports one housecode. Note that I have found it is often necessary to send two X10 commands to get the device to respond, so save yourself some time -- when you are setting up the Pronto and you want to, say, turn on a light -- send the following:

Numeric pad device X
Numeric pad device X
Delay 0.1 seconds
Light on
Light on

I'm enjoying being able to control both IR devices and X10 devices through the Pronto. The possibilities are endless.

Have fun.
OP | Post 4 made on Sunday April 4, 1999 at 15:51
Daniel Tonks
Historic Forum Post
Actually, those X10 codes for the Pronto are available on this site as well. I recommend the file by Ivan Luk,

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