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X10 collision avoiding tranceivers?
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Post 1 made on Thursday June 17, 1999 at 12:38
Historic Forum Post
I'm using several of the Hawkeye motion sensors with X10 RF transceivers. I'm having problems with the the motion generated X10 signals stepping on other X10 signals in progress. I know that some of the better X10 controllers, Homevision for one, talk about collision avoidance. Does anyone know of an X10 RF transceiver with collision avoidance? Thanks.


If not, does anyone want several Hawkeyes, cheap?
OP | Post 2 made on Thursday June 17, 1999 at 13:31
Historic Forum Post

Only the more advanced home automation controllers have the ability to detect and avoid signal collision (e.g, JDS Stargate/Timecommander, Homevision, etc.) Some other lower end home automation controllers can be set up to send the X-10 signal multiple times which might help depending upon the application.

None of the RF or IR transceivers available will detect and avoid signal collision unfortunately. Regarding motion sensors, if you can run wires and have a HA controller (like the ones mentioned above)with digital inputs, you won't have the problem of signal collision.

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