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What remote to use?
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Post 1 made on Wednesday June 9, 1999 at 11:55
Craig W
Historic Forum Post
I want to use 1 remote (fairly cheap) to control my HT, be able to send signals to dim my theatre lights (via x-10) and have macros to do it all at the press of a couple of buttons. Any info would be appreciated.

OP | Post 2 made on Wednesday June 9, 1999 at 20:39
Historic Forum Post

I'm assuming you don't think that a Pronto is "fairly cheap" and you are looking for another type of remote control :)

The cheapest and most effective is an RF remote control and RF transceiver. This type of remote does not require line of sight control and has a very good range.

If you look on our web site at: [Link:] you will see a list of clearance items. You can pick up an RF remote and Transceiver for $21.

RCI Automation

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