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cumputer control
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Post 1 made on Wednesday June 9, 1999 at 11:27
Gerald Goldy
Historic Forum Post
My problem is that my computer controls most of
my devices ,But some of the modules work some
of the time.I would like to be able to ampliefy
the x10 signal in my home, but the bridge is very
expensive. 199.00 dollars. Is there any way I
can do this much cheaper, maybe buy used one?
I already have a phase coupler.
OP | Post 2 made on Wednesday June 9, 1999 at 20:33
Historic Forum Post

Sorry but these isn't a less expensive way to amplify your X-10 signals. However, you may be able to reduce AC line noise that may be interfering with your X-10 singals, and you can also purchase more sensitive X-10 modules and switches. If you can isolate the cause of line noise, you can purchase individual noise block modules for about $25 each. If you only have a few switches and modules, you could replace them with more sensitive switches and modules and that might help (however it this method may cost almost as much as the amplified signal coupler).

As I have mentioned before, in the end it is usually less expensive and less headache if you go the amplified signal bridge. This is especially true if you are thinking of expanding your home automation system in the future.

RCI Automation
OP | Post 3 made on Tuesday June 15, 1999 at 00:10
Historic Forum Post
I had a similar problem with my new setup..try this as a possible sure for the intermitant operation, it worked for me.

Open the timer settings window for the module(s) you want to control. Click on Special under the Options choices and click on Multiple Transmissions. According to X10 tech Support this sends the same signal to the module a number of times. It solved an intermitant problem for me without having to go the bridge route..


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