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X-10 "3" way switch problems, Robert?
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Post 1 made on Wednesday June 9, 1999 at 11:22
Historic Forum Post
I've been having a problem with one of my "3" way switch modules (x10 product, part #2032). The slave unit can turn the light off but not on. The master works fine from all other control inputs (CP290, Palm Pad, & Pronto). Why the problem with the slave? bad unit? piece of junk?

Robert -

If you read this - I wanted to say thanks for all the input you put up on this forum. I've learned quite abit about x10 from what you've written here (and I've been using it since Radio Shack first came out with products). Thanks!
OP | Post 2 made on Wednesday June 9, 1999 at 20:25
Historic Forum Post

A slave X-10 switch has a fairly simple function, but the switch can wear out over time. The part number you mentioned is a very low cost switch and the quality of the switch is not the best. I normally recommend that X-10 users purchase the newer rocker switches that are designed better and are of a higher quality. A true rocker dimmer slave switch runs about $22.

Up until recently, X-10 compativle switches only were available in one type, and were inexpensive. Now there are several brands and types of high quality X-10 switches available that are built to last. These switches are more expensive but at least consumers now have a choice.

It sounds like you just need to replace your slave switch because you master switch still works manually and via X-10 signals.

RCI Automation
OP | Post 3 made on Thursday June 17, 1999 at 16:31
Historic Forum Post
I'm having exactly the same problem, and my 3 way switch set is brand new. The slave reliably turns the circuit off, but only once out of about 100 tries does it actually turn the circuit ON. The main switch works great, although I hate the push on/off 'feature'. Oh well :)
OP | Post 4 made on Thursday June 17, 1999 at 16:41
Historic Forum Post

If you switch is new, X-10 will replace it under warranty. But these switches are very low cost and the quality is not very good.

The new "true rocker" swithes have matching "true rocker" slave switches for 3 or 4 way circuits. These slave switches are excellent quality.

RCI Automation

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