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are mini-xmas lights considered incandescent ????????
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Post 1 made on Thursday December 25, 2003 at 19:43
Long Time Member
January 2003
on one of the christmas trees on the fireplace, my wife has an all clear/white string of mini-lights. the all white is overpowering the other lighted decorations with its brightness. I have all of the chritmas lights on the interior on one x10 code (as well as the exterior on another). I use appliance (relay) modules for the all christmas lights but was wondering if an x10 lamp module with dimming would be ok for use for this tree to tone down the brightness. I tried one and the lights dimmed ok. no transformer is involved,these are 120v (unless there's some resistor in the individual lights besides the filament). no wattage is rated on the strings (I guess I could plug them into an amp meter to see if they meet the 40w x10 lamp module dimming minimum. any thoughts???? thx.
Post 2 made on Thursday December 25, 2003 at 21:38
Larry Fine
Loyal Member
August 2001
JR, yes, they are incandescent. Most likely, they are 3.3-volt bulbs in series, about 40 of them (40 x 3.3 =132). If they dim, then they will work with the dimmer module.

If there is a receptacle on the far end of the string, then the string is a 3-wire assembly; the third wire carries the current to the far end of the string for the receptacle.


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