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X-10 stuff for sale cheap
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Post 1 made on Friday June 4, 1999 at 20:32
George Mills
Historic Forum Post
All Leviton this is a copy of my original order

Item list:
1 4040 IR X10 Command Console $29.95 $29.95
1 2201WI Leviton DHC X10 Dimmer Switch Hot Deals $29.99 $29.99
1 2206WI Leviton Fluorescent X10 Wall Switch Module w. AGC $48.95 $48.95
1 2202WI Leviton 3-Way Dimmer Switch with AGC Soft Start Resume Dim, Master Switch Only (add 1 or more slaves) $48.95 $48.95
1 2208I Leviton Slave Switch (Ivory) $17.99 $17.99
1 8571I Trim Plate 2 Decora (Ivory) $1.49 $1.49
1 8575I Trim Plate 1 Decora 2 Toggle (Ivory) $4.99 $4.99
Merchandise Total : $182.31
Shipping charges : $8.90
Order Total : $191.21

It's a few months old.

First $90.00 (plus Shipping and C.O.D.) takes it all.

I'm not going to sell it by parts, it's not worth the time and aggravation.

Reason for selling, not true rocker switches.
They don't make true rockers that are not dimmers.
For the once a week I could use it with the Pronto it was not worth it. And it was the tip of the iceberg to do it completely.
OP | Post 2 made on Friday June 4, 1999 at 21:19
Historic Forum Post
Just to clarfiy . . "True rocker" non-dimming switches are now available. We have them in stock. They have an ultra quiet relay unlike other non-dimming switches and can be used for incandescent lights, ceiling fans, or fluorescent fixtures. The switch is rated for 1200 watts at 10A, and come with ivory and white trim kits.

RCI Automation
OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday June 9, 1999 at 01:10
George Mills
Historic Forum Post

Thanks robert, maybe I'll reconsider X-10

Who makes them and how much are they approx?
OP | Post 4 made on Wednesday June 9, 1999 at 09:36
Historic Forum Post
They are made by Leviton and are about $90.

RCI Automation
OP | Post 5 made on Wednesday June 16, 1999 at 18:50
Historic Forum Post
I asked about the true rocker at They have one (model 2206) but it requires both wires, black and white...nuts...

Russ M
OP | Post 6 made on Wednesday June 16, 1999 at 21:14
Historic Forum Post

The Smarthome switch you mention is not a "true rocker" switch. A "true rocker" switch responds like this:

Press the top of the switch and it rocks upward and either turns the light on, or brightens it.

Press the bottom of thd switch and it rocks downward and either turns the light off, or dims it.

The 2206 switch you mentioned does not rock, it cycles on/off with each press. This type of switch action might be completely acceptable to some people, but for some it is not.

BTW, are you sure you don't have a neutral wire in your wall switch box? Even though standard wall switches do not require a neutral wire, many home builders run neutral wires to the switch box and tie them together in the back of the box with a wire nut. The wire color is usually white.

We sell several types of switches designed for fluorescent lights and motors. We have the one that you mentioned, and the one that is a "true rocker".

RCI Automation
OP | Post 7 made on Thursday June 17, 1999 at 12:04
Historic Forum Post
Thanks for the info.
Unfortunately, the one fluorescent ceiling light I have only has the black wire in it. I know cuz I wired it.. dang....

OP | Post 8 made on Thursday June 17, 1999 at 13:24
Historic Forum Post

One other thought. You might be able to tap into a neutral wire in a nearby wall receptacle.

RCI Automation

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