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Controlling X-10 from the car!
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Post 1 made on Sunday May 30, 1999 at 14:27
Greg staten
Historic Forum Post
Yesterday my free Firecracker kit arrived. Since ordering it, I have been wondering in the back of my head whether the RF signals it uses could be learned and relayed by the "HomeLink" garage door remote learning system that is built into my car.

Well, I tried it and guess, what? It works! Now when I get home late to find a darkened house, I can simply push a button in my car and turn on the porch light and the entryway light.

X-10 just keeps getting cooler and cooler.

OP | Post 2 made on Sunday May 30, 1999 at 16:41
Historic Forum Post
That is a nice application, but remember that the X-10 RF signal is not a "coded" signal. Anyone with an X-10 RF transmitter can also turn on your lights and operate anything else in your home via the X-10 RF signal. The X-10 RF transceivers intentionally have limited range to prevent people from outside of your home from doing this.

A secure solution to this is to use a specially designed "code hopping" digitally secure remote. We offer one small keychain remote that is capable of sending 15 separate RF channels that are secure. The keychain remote can be used safely to arm/disarm your home security system, open your garage doors, turn on lights, etc. The frequency also allows great range.

You can find out more about this product at: [Link:]

RCI Automation
OP | Post 3 made on Sunday May 30, 1999 at 17:49
Greg Staten
Historic Forum Post
True, I suppose it isn't secure, but I don't currently use X-10 for anything other than lights around the house. And, the _last_ thing I want is another key fob. The fob and the key are one and the same on my car.

Besides, it doesn't seem that many other people are very high tech in my neighborhood... ;)


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