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Topic: | X-10 Transceiver This thread has 4 replies. Displaying all posts. |
Post 1 made on Thursday May 20, 1999 at 17:59 |
I use the IR543 IR Command Console with my Pronto remote to control my X-10 receiver modules. I noticed that my TM751 Transceiver module with the antenna only works with the RF remote controls but wont receive a signal from the IR Command Console through the electrical line. Is there another Transceiver module out there that will receive signal from both the IR command console and the RF remote controls?
OP | Post 2 made on Friday May 21, 1999 at 13:37 |
Robert Historic Forum Post |
Hi Daryl. There isn't an X-10 transceiver that receives both IR and RF X-10 signals and converts them to power line X-10 signals. Is there a reason that you would like to combine the IR543 with the TM751 rather than using the two separate units?
Robert RCI Automation
OP | Post 3 made on Friday May 21, 1999 at 13:48 |
Robert yes there is. I use a Sylvania 23 watt flourescent bulb in my bedside incandescent lamp and if I use a lamp or appliance module with it the flourescent bulb flashes when turned off, but if It's plugged into the Transceiver which is also an appliance module it operates perfectly fine. And with my physical condition, using two remotes is a very difficult task which is why I purchased the Pronto remote. I was told that the newly designed RR501 transceiver would receive signals from the IR command console and the RF remotes. I just was hoping to find out for sure before I bothered purchasing it since it has to be purchased in a kit.
OP | Post 4 made on Saturday May 22, 1999 at 18:12 |
Robert Historic Forum Post |
Sorry, I misunderstood your question Daryl. I understand that the 501 transceiver will switch its built-in appliance module on and off via both X-10 RF signals, and power line X-10 signals. The 751 transceiver will only switch its built-in appliance module on/off via RF X-10 signals. What is interesting however is that you said you tried an appliance module and it made the bulb flash when turned off, but you don't get the same effect from the built-in appliance module on your transceiver. I really can't explain that because I thought the electronics were the same.
Robert RCI Automation
OP | Post 5 made on Saturday May 22, 1999 at 18:32 |
Robert, thx. I thought the transceivers appliance operation would be the same as the receiver appliance module, but the t5ech I spoke to at X-10 said there was a slight difference, strange huh. Now if the RR501 was available seperately. :)
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