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soft-start macro
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Post 1 made on Friday May 7, 1999 at 09:13
Historic Forum Post
I've been trying to get lamps to soft start with the "relative" setting on the macro editor of activehome. (Don't wanna buy expensive 2-way lamp modules!) I can ramp up from..say 10%, but from zero% the lamp goes full bright, then dims. The help screen implies I should be able to do this.
I've also noticed that the relative box % dim options change slightly depending on whether I select "fast" or "standard" macro.
Any input?


Ed "too cheap to buy the right product" Bates
OP | Post 2 made on Friday May 7, 1999 at 12:49
Historic Forum Post
Ed. The only light switches and lamp modules that "soft start" are the types that are specifically designed to do this. If the lamp or light switch is not designed internally to "soft start", it cannot be done via X-10 commands.

You mention that the 2-Way lamp modules are expensive. Actually they aren't a bad value if you consider the extras they offer. You get a lot more than just "soft start" with these modules. You get Automation Gain Control (AGC) that results in improved X-10 signal sensitivity. This may not seem to be needed until you plug that lamp module into another wall receptacle in your home at a later time. The other great feature is "memory dim" that will return the lamp to the last level with a simple ON command.

RCI Automation
OP | Post 3 made on Tuesday May 11, 1999 at 18:31
Historic Forum Post
I think I may have a poor man's solution for ya! I don't think our x10 pro's will agree with it, but it seems to work for me...

I have created a macro with a single on/off control that sends to a module a 1% gain - in effect OFF and a 100% gain for an ON. This will allow me to soft start the lights since they are already on. You might want to consider making a second macro with only 33% and 66% for the on/off positions of the macro.

I use the macro to control several x10 addresses, I have full theatre dimming options for 8 lights, and full x10 on/off for drapes and soon to be screen control.

Hope this helps. And to everyone else, if I am in any way causing a fire hazard or bulb damage???? please reply. I've used this solution for 9 months now with no problems...

Ohhh yea, I have the activehome controller, x10 to ir converter and a proto ( which really ties everything together!)

OP | Post 4 made on Tuesday May 11, 1999 at 19:59
Historic Forum Post
Scott. Your solution does not pose a fire hazard even though the switch will always be warm. If you notice that the swtich gets hot to the touch, you should not continue to do this.

Other people use this method and it generally works if you don't mind the faint buzz in the lamp and switch while the switch is dimmed to 1%. The other issue is that the switch and the light bulb life will be decreased because the switch is never off. There is always electricity flowing through the switch and light bulb. The decreased bulb life is especially true for halogen light bulbs.

RCI Automation

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