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Topic: | Pronto and X-10 This thread has 11 replies. Displaying all posts. |
Post 1 made on Tuesday April 27, 1999 at 09:05 |
I would like to use my pronto with my X-10 wired house.. I have purchased a IR543.. Is this the same as the 4040 ??? Will this work and how do I program the Pronto with X-10 Commands without having a X-10 Remote ??
OP | Post 2 made on Tuesday April 27, 1999 at 09:10 |
Bertrand JENNER Historic Forum Post |
Yes it is the same as the 4040.
You can use it with the pronto after downloading x10_quick.ccf on this site. just search X10 in the database.
OP | Post 3 made on Thursday May 27, 1999 at 13:45 |
Correct me if I am wrong, but the 4040 will only control 16 items, what if I want to use my Pronto to control over the 16 item limit? Is there a unit or pc software that lets me do this?
OP | Post 4 made on Friday May 28, 1999 at 11:46 |
matt, Actually 4040 is just smarthomes item number for the IR command console. The actual model number is #IR543 and it only controls 8 devices on a given house code(A thru P). I believe the ActiveHome kit gives you pc or mac software that lets you control up to 256 X-10 devices and create macros for timed events. As far as controling over 8 or 16 devices using the Pronto, I havent researched that capability yet so I cant advise you on that part, sorry. I think Daniel Or Jack from prontoedit.com can answer that question. :)
OP | Post 5 made on Friday May 28, 1999 at 21:31 |
Robert Historic Forum Post |
Matt. The IR543 will control up to 16 unit codes (e.g. lights) on one house code. If you want to control more addresses than that, it would mean that you need to use another house code. There are 16 house codes, and 16 unit codes on each house code. This gets tricky using IR with X-10. The IR command set is not specific to any house code, but it is specific to unit codes. What determines the house codes is what you set the wheel on the IR543 to (A through P). So, if you point your Pronto at 2 IR543s set to different house codes and press 1 ON, both IR543s will simultaneously send X-10 signals on different house codes that will collide and defeat each other. If you use X-10 RF signals this isn't a problem because both the transmitters and receivers are set to specific house and unit codes so they maintain separate communication channels. There are some "work arounds" if you want to use 2 IR543s in the same room. One is to place them in different locations so that when you transmit an IR signal from your Pronto, you can control which IR543 receives the signal. Other "work arounds" involve using a home automation controller to intercept the IR signal and trigger a macro. With a home automation controller there isn't a limit to how many lights you can control. The Pronto can transmit individual X-10 unit codes without corresponding ON/OFF or DIM commands. For example, Pronto could send "123" which could turn on a specific light. It could then send "321" which could turn off that same light. How this works is that the home automation controller sees "123" and that triggers a macro to turn on that lamp, perhaps to 30% dim. Robert RCI Automation [Link: ourworld.compuserve.com]
OP | Post 6 made on Saturday May 29, 1999 at 12:33 |
Robert, According to the IR543 manual it only operates 8 receivers individually and only works all 16 with the All units On and All units off buttons. Unless I'm missing something.
OP | Post 7 made on Sunday May 30, 1999 at 03:18 |
Robert Historic Forum Post |
Daryl: The IR543 can control units 1 through 8, and all lights on/off using the buttons on the IR543. However, it can also transceive all 16 unit codes from IR to X-10 power line signals. In other words, the Pronto or other remotes that transmit X-10 IR signals, can use the IR543 to control all 16 unit codes on a single house code. The X-10 CCF files on this forum will allow the Pronto to control all 16 unit codes through the IR543. Robert RCI Automation [Link: ourworld.compuserve.com]
OP | Post 8 made on Sunday May 30, 1999 at 15:35 |
Robert, My apologies, your are correct. I had a temporary brain freeze when making my last reply. :)
OP | Post 9 made on Thursday June 3, 1999 at 20:15 |
Robert, I read somewhere that only house code 'A' will do the all-on, all-off functions. Is that true?
OP | Post 10 made on Friday June 4, 1999 at 01:22 |
Robert Historic Forum Post |
No, it is not true. You physically set the house code on the IR543 an you can set it to any housecode from A-P. All functions are the same on any housecode.
Robert RCI Automation
OP | Post 11 made on Friday June 4, 1999 at 02:37 |
Thanks Robert! Does your company deal with 220V 50Hz X-10 products?
OP | Post 12 made on Friday June 4, 1999 at 11:16 |
Robert Historic Forum Post |
At this time we do not.
Robert RCI Automation
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