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Topic: | RCA Home Control and X10 This thread has 3 replies. Displaying all posts. |
Post 1 made on Monday April 26, 1999 at 23:46 |
Does anyone have any experience with the home control feature found on the new generation of RCA DSS receivers? I want to purchase the "starter kit", but want to make sure that it is x10 based, and any modules will work with it. Thanks for any help you can give.
OP | Post 2 made on Tuesday May 4, 1999 at 16:26 |
I have the starter kit. It is X-10 compatible.
The kit works fine, and allows you to control lights using the tv screen/DSS remote. I did not find this method at all helpful. You have to stop what you are doing, switch to the menu, switch to home control..etc..etc..etc.
A much better solution is to use a Phillips Pronto remote, and an IR to RF converter (about 30 bucks I think). I have numerous X-10 controlled devices (and the Active Home software), and control via the pronto (including dimming) works great.
Hope this helps, if you are still interesting in the RCA connector let me know, I'll sell you mine.
OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday May 5, 1999 at 23:39 |
Grant Sullivan Historic Forum Post |
For the most part, the Home Control feature on RCA 3rd generation receivers for DSS is X10 compatible, with one caviat. Their is an interface device that connects to the "Data" (serial) port on the back of the receriver, via a proprietary cable. This interface is available on a few online satellite retailers. I have never seen, nor have I ever found a salesman who knows, anything about the kit. I even had one saleman tell me that, "it must be a feature that RCA deided not to release", even though it is plainly listed on the receivers menu system! The interface is the same as an X10 ActiveHome CK11A computer interface (so I have been told), but the cable is not the same as in ActiveHome. Aparently, there is a twist on one of the leads. However, once you have the right interface problems licked all of the X10 products will work great with RCA Home control. After all, they are made on the same assembly line in China. Once you can get to see the software in the receiver, you will find that it is a rev'ed up mini-timer in functionality. You cannot setup macros. You can set up control room by room. I hope that helps.
OP | Post 4 made on Wednesday May 5, 1999 at 23:58 |
Glen Morris Historic Forum Post |
I have the RCA dish & was going to use my cable from my Active Home but when I went to plug it into the RCA reciever it had a male connector and so did the cable so i thought I would go to Radio Shack for an adaptor. You said the cable has a twist? You mean the pin configuration changes and an adaptor won't solve my problem. I have the active home but just wanted to see everything run on the dish and a possibility for some friends that don't have Active Home but have some X10 controls
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