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Macros don't work with ActiveHome software
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Post 1 made on Monday August 30, 1999 at 12:51
Simon Ngan
Historic Forum Post

Yesterday I was trying to add macros to my X10 devices. However, all the macros I created can only be executed while the ActiveHome software is run. I can click on the picture that represents the macro to execute it. It works flawlessly.

Bad news is once I exit the program, closing down Windows, macros wouldn't run. I've reserved A6 ON and OFF to execute two macros and they work fine while I have the software running (I've tried it just in case the code doesn't work).

I also replaced the batteries with Duracell just in case the battery is dead or something but it didn't help.

I'm using the latest ActiveHome software (from X10.COM) something 1.32 rel. 67.

If you have any idea, please let me know. Thanks for reading.

OP | Post 2 made on Monday August 30, 1999 at 13:49
Roland S
Historic Forum Post
I'm not sure how different v1.32 is, since I'm still using v1.2D.

Have you uploaded your macros to your computer interface before shutting down (should only have to do this once unless you change the macro)? I know it's possible to set up macros and modules and still not upload them to your interface.

Macros & timed events should run even while the communication bridge is off or the computer is off.

OP | Post 3 made on Monday August 30, 1999 at 14:06
Roland S
Historic Forum Post
I thought of one more thing. Did you set your macros up as "fast" macros or "standard" macros?

If i'm not mistaken, they must be setup as "fast" macros in order for them to be stored on the computer interface. This way, the computer doesn't have to be on for the macros to be executed. (...and don't forget to upload them to your interface too.)

"Standard" macros are just stored on your hard drive. This means that your communication link must be active for the macros to execute.

** This is probably more a misnomer and i'm probably a bit anal, but the ActiveHome software says "download", but technically, you're "uploading" the information to your computer interface.

OP | Post 4 made on Tuesday August 31, 1999 at 09:41
Jim Fouch
Historic Forum Post
Roland - does anal rententive have one or two hyphens :)

Actually, I agree with your use of the terms and get confused when people reverse them.

Cheers, Jim.
OP | Post 5 made on Tuesday August 31, 1999 at 10:39
Simon Ngan
Historic Forum Post
Hi guys,

Doh!!! Roland, you probably right (I'm still at work so I can't try it yet). When I setup the macro, I chose "STANDARD" and not "FAST". This is probably why it doesn't work.

I did upload to the interface everytime I made changes.

Is there any easy way to convert "STANDARD" to "FAST"? Or I have to create a new one from scratch?

Thanx again.

OP | Post 6 made on Tuesday August 31, 1999 at 10:44
Simon Ngan
Historic Forum Post
I think version 1.32 is pretty much similar to 1.2D except 1.32 has more module support (like the new rocket socket, Hawk Eye II, etc.) Maybe some minor bug fixes as well.

OP | Post 7 made on Tuesday August 31, 1999 at 11:26
Jon Broadwell
Historic Forum Post
Also, it seems that if you have all of your modules set for, say, housecode K, and you want an activehome macro to respond to code A1, then you need another reciever set on A. Can anyone confirm this? (Experimentation on my part seems to have shown it as true).
OP | Post 8 made on Tuesday August 31, 1999 at 11:32
Simon Ngan
Historic Forum Post
Hi Jon,

I have everything (modules and macros) set to housecode A.

I think you're right, but I'm sorry I can't confirm it since I'm still experimenting with my setup.

OP | Post 9 made on Tuesday August 31, 1999 at 12:17
Roland S
Historic Forum Post
There should be a quick way to convert standard macros to fast macros without re-doing them all. I remember reading about it.

I'm not at home, so i can't tell you the exact way of converting them. Try right-clicking on the macro or look on the tool bar. I do remember the help file does explain how to do it though.

I have some macros that aren't set on the primary housecode. These are timed macros that I don't activate it from a remote, and therefore do not need a second transceiver.

One example is a macro that turns on and off different lights when I'm on vacation. I never need to activate these via remote so I can set it on a different (non-primary) housecode.

I also have a light switch on a non-primary housecode. I never turn on/off my porch light with the remote, but rather they are timed to turn on/off at dusk/dawn.

Just a couple of ideas to reserve space on your primary housecode.

OP | Post 10 made on Tuesday August 31, 1999 at 22:59
Simon Ngan
Historic Forum Post
Hi everyone,

Bingo!!! It worked perfectly, the problem was just the macro was set to "STANDARD" rather than "FAST". I can also switch between the two on the fly (just right click on the macro and select it from the drop down menu).

Thanx everyone helping me out.


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