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Oasis Remastered Graphics Collection for ID11 Now Available
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Post 1 made on Thursday September 28, 2023 at 19:18
Senior Member
June 2004
Just wanted to let everyone know I just finished a brand new add-on for ID11. I need to preface with a quick explanation as to why I created this, however.

I receive several calls every week from dealers who are still exclusively using ID9. The learning curve of the new software is one thing, but they are also very attached to the Oasis graphics from the original software as well. In fact, one dealer I spoke to had a customer who refused to do anything regarding ID11 conversion & upgrades unless the UI looked the same as the current panels (Oasis).

This is essentially impossible because the original Oasis libraries were not designed for high pixel density displays, nor are scalable. Even the Quick Keys were only 66 x 66 pixels at their largest size.

I set out to do it all from scratch, but updated for a more modern look without taking too much away from the original design. I even remastered all 208 Quick Keys (with built-in padding) to HD one by one, then added my own icons in the exact same semi transparent style so they all look exactly the same.

I wanted to make it way more flexible with new color options for buttons, backgrounds, and I added all new scalable sliders and gauges in multiple sizes and colors. It is basically Oasis on steroids, but completely scalable with thousands of new icons & graphics options.

Here is the link if anyone would like to take a look: [Link:]

Post 2 made on Friday September 29, 2023 at 10:18
RC Moderator
May 2002
Thanks Noel. Some of us ID9 die hards will appreciate this once we learn ID11
There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far.

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