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New Load & Go Spectre Template Demo for iPad Available
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Post 1 made on Monday June 12, 2023 at 12:30
Senior Member
June 2004
Several people have requested a demo file so they could check out some of the template features and pages, but also have something to show a prospective client as a sales tool.

I had to come up with something that was very limited in editablility as I wanted to make this a non exclusive download and free to everyone, but also had to be flexible so you don't need a processor after the initial upload. I chose the iPad because it is the most popular tablet as a control option, but also supports ViewPorts. The DirecTV page features a swipe menu to swap out the top most buttons for channel presets, as shown in the thumbnail.

I came up with what I think is a perfect solution that combines multiroom / multisource with local control options. You never want to intimidate a client with a complicated UI when showing them how their future system could work, so I made it super simple as I do with the UIs I create for custom projects.

You can download the free demo here: [Link:]


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