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Apple TV Gen 3 Cant Control With Pro24.r
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Post 1 made on Wednesday February 15, 2023 at 19:48
Junior Member
February 2023
Hello, i have tried everything. I even called RTI Pro Control Support and they were useless. I have a apple tv gen 3 with pro24.r remote. When i try and control the apple tv with the pro control remote the apple tv white light flashes rapid 3 times.
Tech support told me to try and learn in the remote to the apple tv by going to settings , remotes and devices, lean remote..... After i start this it accepts the first button i want to learn but after that it just says " This button is already being used" Please help!!! Thank you
Matthew Zaks
Post 2 made on Friday February 17, 2023 at 21:21
Junior Member
February 2023
The best is to use IR control via ir port from the proccessor

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