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Need Recommendation for Good Wireless Headphones!
This thread has 23 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 24.
OP | Post 16 made on Tuesday October 17, 2000 at 00:56
Daniel Tonks
Historic Forum Post
I spend half my time just keeping up with this stuff! I actually first heard of that model back in February/March timeframe.
OP | Post 17 made on Tuesday October 17, 2000 at 11:39
David B.
Historic Forum Post
I hadn't seen it, Daniel. It doesn't surprise me though. Sony has been "borrowing" my ideas for 20+ years now!

It does look a bit clunky, however. I suspect that was to fit in a speaker large enough to make some decent sound.

How long do you think it'll take them to add VIDEO to the remote? I know it can be done, since I'm basically already doing it. With a RF transmitter I got at, I send whatever A/V output I want to my little Casio 2.5" pocket TV. It's a power hog, and about as heavy as a pronto. Making it a bit more ergonomic and adding the circuit board of a Cinema7 shouldn't make it too huge. If the LCD can be a pronto-like remote interface too, then no (few) hard buttons would be required.

Are you listening, Sony?

OP | Post 18 made on Wednesday October 18, 2000 at 00:06
Daniel Tonks
Historic Forum Post
There's been a number of prototypes of video-enabled remotes... I think it would be a great idea. Also pack in internet access and whole-home control into a handheld unit... ah, bliss.
OP | Post 19 made on Thursday October 19, 2000 at 19:30
Historic Forum Post
Here is a link to a pair of Sennheiser RS-80s on sale for $219.95.
OP | Post 20 made on Friday October 20, 2000 at 08:21
Mike Riley
Historic Forum Post
Wow! Not only are they wireless, but they float above the stand, too! .... Mike
OP | Post 21 made on Sunday November 26, 2000 at 15:07
Historic Forum Post
Daniel, how about a quick impression of those Sony DD wireless headphones? Are they worth the money?
OP | Post 22 made on Monday November 27, 2000 at 18:38
Historic Forum Post
Daniel: SECONDED! I have been waiting for your impression of the Sony MDR-DS5100 for some time. You will recall my disappointment with the thin bass and bogus, artificial so-called surround produced by the 5000.

How about it -- please? :^)
OP | Post 23 made on Wednesday November 29, 2000 at 08:55
Historic Forum Post
are wireless headphones any good anyhow ? They all use analog frequency modulation, right ? When I read the professional reviews at they all mention hissing and noise and interruptions in the signal as you move more than 2 meter away from the transmitter. The thing is, you put Hifi into it at one end, and you get FM-radio (although it's at a higher frequency and has larger bandwidth) out of it at the other end.

Most wireless phones are digital these days, why not make wireless headphones digital (and at an affordable price please)

Just my two cents :-)

Post 24 made on Saturday February 23, 2019 at 06:38
Lurking Member
February 2019
Sennheiser, only the name is enough. Go for it.
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