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Denon 4311ci issues
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Post 1 made on Friday January 28, 2011 at 11:07
LS One
Lurking Member
April 2010
I sent my Denon 4310ci in for repair after having numerous problems with it. It was damaged beyond repair in shipping so I was given a brand new 4311ci (long story) as a replacement. Obiviously this was not a huge heartbreak.

Last night I set it up and I have a problem. I have two sources Dish (1080i) and my Oppo BDP83 blueray (1080p). I did the Audessey setup which by the way is mucho faster and proceeded to test everything. No problems with my Dish input but my blueray input has audio and no video. I made sure the HDMI cable was good and I also switched to a different HDMI input on the AVR with the same result. I started to establish an internet connection on the AVR but had some problems and gave up for the evening because it was getting late. Before I attack it again tonight I was hoping someone could give me some direction.
OP | Post 2 made on Friday January 28, 2011 at 15:30
LS One
Lurking Member
April 2010
I defaulted my blue ray and cured the problem,
Post 3 made on Wednesday August 20, 2014 at 11:47
Long Time Member
April 2004
Perhaps your TV Display doesn't support 1080P/24 or other possible resolutions?
Enter the setup mode of the Blueray and look for the current output resolution. then make sure your Display can handle that resolution. If not, change the Res to a supported one....1080i, 720P, etc.

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