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remote for kenwood receiver
This thread has 138 replies. Displaying posts 121 through 135.
Post 121 made on Tuesday February 2, 2010 at 23:50
Lurking Member
February 2010
Go to this website: [Link:]

Use a little solder on each pin or bend them to make contact again;

it fixed my problem.
Post 122 made on Tuesday February 2, 2010 at 23:51
Lurking Member
February 2010
This picture and website should help:

Post 123 made on Monday April 19, 2010 at 20:08
Lurking Member
April 2010
Wow, this was wide spread! I am so glad I found this form. I was about to buy a new Kenwood remote to see if it would fix the problem.

I tried re-soldering and it solved all my problems. Had to buy a soldering iron just for this, but it was worth it. If i can do it, anyone can.

Thank-you to the original people who discovered this easy fix! My VR-507 will survive another day.
Post 124 made on Wednesday June 9, 2010 at 17:21
Lurking Member
June 2010
Do you think this fix will cure the lack of sound I am experiencing from the VR-507?

Sound stopped working suddenly...although I still get the white noise from the speaker when testing the surround sound.

No radio, no vieo 1, 2 or 3. Not sure about DVD.

Post 125 made on Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 15:32
Lurking Member
July 2010
The fix posted by several of you and beautifully illustrated by macvette has been proven once again. After years of frustration and now, an urgent need to solve the problem due to my spouse's health problem that prevents her from hopping up to adjust things manually, I stumbled upon this thread. Voila. Like magic. It was a good excuse to buy a new up-to-date battery-powered pencil soldering iron that is perfect for this kind of touch-up. Splendid. Now to see if I can do the same magic with the DVD player!

Thank you one and all!
Post 126 made on Saturday December 11, 2010 at 18:27
Lurking Member
December 2010
Interesting thread. I have a Kenwood VR-507 that actually still continues to work well to this day. The RC-R0720 remote on the other hand is unusable.
Technically it works fine - but the plastic front, back, between the buttons - everywhere has become very sticky/tacky and it not very appealing to use.
the remote has been either in a drawer, box, or sitting out for years but not used (universal remote controlling the AV and others instead of the R0720).

But now the other universal remote is gone and I wanted to use this.
Any idea if it can be cleaned? I have tried spot cleaning different parts of it with various solutions to no avail.

I have older Kenwood remotes, RC-P7730 and RC-6040 are ion front of me currently.... any idea how well if at all they could control the VR-507?
Post 127 made on Thursday January 27, 2011 at 01:22
Lurking Member
January 2011
I just wanted to say thanks to whoever help me out..Just like everyone else I bought a Kenwood VR-405 on ebay cheap,had no remote,but i have another kenwood that doesnt work but had the remote a RC-R0709,and i tried it and it worked for about 15 minutes,then stopped.i contacted kenwood they told me needed the correct remote i found one on ebay,today was hard to find,anyway put batteries in it same damm thing about 15 minutes and stopped,of course went to kenwood site owners manual online support says something about a four-digit code for remote or reset microprocessor,did that to throw it acroos the room and punch the reciever i decided to google search for the 4 digit code stumbled here..seen where someone said to tap the bezel faceplate on front of the reciever,remote will work,i thought to myself,"ya right" so..for sh@ts and grins,i tried it took 3 taps each one alittle harder, and "by god.." it put batteries into the other remote the rc-ro709 and it works 2..what are the guys are f@@kin the best man..seriously,glad i didnt smash i gonna try to find the pictures of the soldier pins to fix..once more people thanks alot man....
Post 128 made on Sunday January 30, 2011 at 10:30
Lurking Member
March 2009
I’ll never buy a Kenwood (VR-407) again! Next problem I’ve had was my optical cable connection is now down to one! I purchased a switcher mono price so I still can use the receiver for surround sound for my 3 connections. What a piece of junk.
Post 129 made on Tuesday February 1, 2011 at 14:24
Lurking Member
February 2011
Hi all...

This looks as good a place as any to try. I have a VR-309 which has been good to me for many years. I moved and had not used it in a while (about 1yr). I always take the batteries out of the remote when I am not using it to prevent corrosion by way of leaky batteries... but it looks like this was a big mistake...

I know the IR receiver in the unit works because I can use an "all in one" remote to do basic volume, but no input selection and such. I know the remote is still good because I can program in my TV code and CD code and it controls them without a hitch. But the normal tuner control functions don't work at all. Almost like the tuner programming code was lost.

Its an RC-R0608 remote. Does anyone have any idea what this might be? I tried the factory reset described in the manual, but that just erases the codes for the other devices.

Help please! Thanks! -Cheers, Peter.
Post 130 made on Tuesday February 1, 2011 at 19:51
Select Member
August 2009
I don't know what is wrong with the original remote. Possible the setup code for the receiver portion has been corrupted, but I have no idea how you would rectify that.
However, we do know that the VR309 (and other Kenwood receivers) use the NEC1 IR protocol device 184.0 for most functions, but uses 184.1 for the tuner functions. And of course the function numbers are also known.

For remotes made by Universal Electronics, it is possible to augment the built in setup codes with additional functions, and that may be a reasonable approach here. Presumably a Logitech Harmony would have Kenwood receivers in their database also. Controlling receivers with a universal remote is usually a little bit problematic because most universals have button labels and function assignments that are more geared to TVs and DVD players.

But you can program a UEI remote to control any function for the receiver.
Nearly any OneForAll, many Radio Shack, Comcast cable, Cox cable, Atlas remotes provided by other cable companies, and some high end Vizio remotes can use setup code Audio 1313, 1569, or 1570. Functions which aren't implemented can be added by entering a 5 digit EFC. If you don't have any of these remotes laying around, the RCA RCRP05B ($20 at Walgreens or Best Buy) is a good choice.
Post 131 made on Wednesday January 2, 2013 at 18:08
Lurking Member
January 2013
I also have a Kenwood RC-R7050 remote control with the sticky surface condition. It appears to be migration of the plasticizer from the plastic body, the same condition as my sticky car dashboard. After much trial and error I have found one way to deal with it. First I take the remote apart and work only on the plastic body. The circuit board and insides were not affected. I used a silicone vinyl and rubber polish on the tacky surface to mix with the plasticizer without harming the surface of the plastic. Then I scrubbed the mixture off the surface using Dawn liquid dish detergent. The surface looks and feels as good as new although it may get tacky again in the future as more migration occurs. Thanks for all the great info on IR receiver repair.
Post 132 made on Monday July 8, 2013 at 12:43
Lurking Member
July 2013
Oldsam I am interested in the silicone vinyl and rubber polish. Do you have a brand name or a place to purchase this product? I too have the sticky surface problem. Thanks for any help.
Post 133 made on Sunday November 3, 2013 at 12:20
Lurking Member
November 2013
I am floored. After being frustrated for almost two years with a Kenwood VR-507 and a RC-R0720 remote, I came across this thread. So I had to try it. Tapping is the answer. I cant believe it works! Im going to submit this thread to Kenwood. I emailed them about the problem about a year ago or more and they told me to reset the reciever and change the batteries in the remote. I wanted to punch the guy that responed to that. Anyway, maybe they'll look into it? Ill also cc the better business bureau to the link. If nothing else, maybe it will get someone to look at it.
Post 134 made on Saturday October 25, 2014 at 22:27
Lurking Member
October 2014
Plazman30 ,...You deserves a Medal !Thank you for solving this problem and everyone else who contributed ....Its one of these problems that keep you lying awake at night.....Works for a while, then it doesent work, pulling the remote apart...buying new simple its fantastic.....Thankyou again
Post 135 made on Sunday December 13, 2015 at 09:41
Lurking Member
January 2005
To resurrect a seriously old thread...

You know, I still get emails on occasion thanking me for this fix. And since, September 2014, the emails ask me what happened to my site. Verizon tool there personal web space down in September 2014. And my Mac mini crashed shortly after that,so the site is forver gone.

But it seems others have learned about fixing their Kenwood VR-507 remote sensor and have made web pages.

So, I am posting this, to provide links to these other pages, so people can fix their receivers.

These are the two that I found from a Google Search:


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