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Changer 4:1
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Post 1 made on Friday November 20, 2015 at 00:43
Lurking Member
July 2015
Hi there,
I've recently bought a remote control Changer 4:1 which uses RCCreator software to program this remote control. The remote can be connected to a PC by USB and RCCreator helps find some of the codes I need for my devices. Some of the brands codes (codes for Dune HD Smart H1, Popcorn Hour C200 and some others) can't be found in RCCreator base. Can I use a different software for Changer 4:1 which can be found at this website to get the codes for those devices?
Post 2 made on Friday November 20, 2015 at 05:57
RC Moderator
August 2001
Two questions.

  • Can you not just learn the codes?

  • Have you tried contacting them directly?
OP | Post 3 made on Friday November 20, 2015 at 09:43
Lurking Member
July 2015
On November 20, 2015 at 05:57, djy said...
Two questions.

  • Can you not just learn the codes?

  • Have you tried contacting them directly?

1. Yes, I can. Learning function is feasible thru RCCreator software. But it's a headache to teach the Changer all the buttons one by one.
2. Not so good answering a question with a question but still... Do you mean contacting them how to add JP1 database from this website to RCCreator database?

The idea behind buying this remote control was to use JP1 base for Changer 4:1.

So I still have not received an answer to my question.
Post 4 made on Friday November 20, 2015 at 11:40
RC Moderator
August 2001
On November 20, 2015 at 09:43, alex5908 said...
2. Not so good answering a question with a question but still... Do you mean contacting them how to add JP1 database from this website to RCCreator database?

Ask them if they have, or can obtain, the codes for the items you do not have. If not, can they suggest a means by which you can add them yourself.

You can also ask them about JP1.

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