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Rotel RR990
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Post 1 made on Friday June 4, 1999 at 17:48
Historic Forum Post
I have been looking fro a remote with the most flexibility for under $300. And so far this is the model I have come up with. Does any one out there have any experience with it. Thanks ahead of time for the help.

OP | Post 2 made on Friday June 4, 1999 at 22:10
mike c
Historic Forum Post
i just purchase a rotel rr 990 and it seems to be pretty good. i tried the home theater prod. 8 and did not like it. i do not know how the rotle compares to others in its price range. but its easy to get it to learn and seems to do everything i need it to do. i use it for a dss dish, tv , reciever for suround sound and a vcr and i like it for that. the only thing i have not tried is to program it to control the vvolume off of the soround sound and not the tv when im using the dss dish. good luck.
OP | Post 3 made on Saturday June 5, 1999 at 23:52
Historic Forum Post
Check out my post on the Palm Pilot. I owned the Rotel, and returned it for the Palm Pilot. Price of the Palm pilot is now $165. Add $40 for the software and booster, and you are just over $200. The Palm Pilot is far superior of a remote compared to the Rotel.
OP | Post 4 made on Friday August 13, 1999 at 18:28
Wayne Huffman
Historic Forum Post
I have an RR990, and I find it to be a battery hog (3-4 weeks out of a set of Energizer Advanced) - granted it gets used a lot! I stuck two pieces of clear 1/4"x1/2" tape (actually from my Brother PT-PC P-touch printer) to the Vol Up and Channel Up buttons so I can feel them in the dark. I just slide my finger down a bit if I want to use the Down buttons. Works for me.

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