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Post 1 made on Wednesday February 16, 2005 at 11:13
Long Time Member
February 2005
I am looking for a new universal remote to replace my sony rv remote

These are the features i would like

ability to controll the following devices, VCR, DVR, DVD, AMP, Other (playstation)

I would like for the dvd for it to have fast forawd rewind buttons as well as chaper skip back buttons.

It would be nice it the LCD was complelty customizable so txt onthe buttons could be changed by hooking it up to a computer. Dont know if a remote exists that does this.

Please help?
Post 2 made on Wednesday February 16, 2005 at 20:49
Founding Member
July 2001
I recommend the MX 500 by home theater master for all but the last (and last could have gotten the irclone to program with your PC, but they discontinued making the ir clone was made by an enduser who stopped offering it). The more expensive models lose the skip buttons but gain others, and if you want, you can program the LCD buttons to do that function.

You can get an MX 500 for under $90, and it can operate 10 devices with 2 pages of 10 LCD buttons per device. Programming is not too difficult, but I agree the PC and IR clone made it easier (I have 2 and did one each way). (Also the computer makes it easier to do some fine tuning once you are done, as well as a backup if you ever need it). The only thing, is I am not sure the computer part is worth spending the extra couple of hundred dollars for their better models (and you lose the dedicated skip buttons for dvd).

Great remotes though....all of them from:

Look under home theater master for the Mx500 and under complete control productd for the higher end models.

and perhaps you could get an irclone second hand from someone who is upgrading to an mx 650 or 850...........
Post 3 made on Wednesday February 16, 2005 at 20:53
Ultimate Member
May 2001
It would be nice it the LCD was complelty customizable so txt onthe buttons could be changed by hooking it up to a computer. Dont know if a remote exists that does this

for a completely customizable touch screen remotre look at Pronto, ProntoPro, MX-3000

for a push button remote lok at MX-700,800,850 or one from Harmony
Post 4 made on Wednesday February 16, 2005 at 20:59
Founding Member
July 2001
and I forgot to mention.....for the mx 500 I also recommend getting a cheap radioshack or one for all remote to help program the discrete or advanced codes if you want.

they are only $10-40...depending on model

Alot depends on your desired price range.......

Under $100, I recommend MX-500, (even with ofa remote)
over $150, touchscreen pronto's or mx650, mx 850,
over $500, Mx-3000
OP | Post 5 made on Thursday February 17, 2005 at 08:15
Long Time Member
February 2005
that is a shame i really like the look of the MX-500. if the IRclone was still avalible i would most likly go in that direction.

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