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Post 1 made on Wednesday June 22, 2022 at 09:31
Junior Member
June 2022
Hey Everyone!

I am trying to come up with some Christmas gifts I can use this year, and I keep going back to a universal remote. I could really use a solution for this, but something tells me to stay away from the Logitech Elite because its discontinued....I hate buying old tech.
Any recommendations of what I should do or other products I should consider that I should look into?

Last edited by ajihu on July 21, 2022 05:54.
Post 2 made on Wednesday June 22, 2022 at 15:20
Regular Member
November 2020
A universal remote is almost always a bad gift idea. One, Do they even need or want one? Two, if yes to one, then who will set it up and maintain it? If they are technically savvy enough to be able to do it themselves, and they need one, odds are they already have one or are fine without one.

I sell these every day, and find myself using my AppleTV remote more than anything else at my own home. I want the lights changed, I just tell Siri or Alexa to do it. Same goes with the thermostat and house music.

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