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Can't Uninstall PENG
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Post 1 made on Saturday January 14, 2006 at 21:29
Bill Kounellas
Founding Member
January 2002
I am not sure what happened but I can not get PENG running on my PC (for my TSU3000). I have a Windows XP Professional / Media Center OS. I tried to uninstall it and re-install it but am having problems. I first used Windows Add/Remove programs because it shows up in there but nothing happens when I hit the "change/remove" button. I starts to do something for about 1 second then returns to the Add/Remove list of programs. Also, there is no program size listed to the right of ProntoEdit NG in the program file list. This leads me to believe that this software has been removed from my PC but something is still hanging it up. I tried to install the latest version of PENG on this machine but when the installer starts, it says that I have a version on my machine that needs to be uninstalled first. Do I need to go into REGEDIT to remove some stuff? If somebody has some detailed instructions on how to do this, I would really appreciate it. I did a search on this, about 175 threads came up and did not find exactly what I needed, if this has been discussed before, please point me to the link.
Thanks, Bill
Bill Kounellas
Post 2 made on Saturday January 14, 2006 at 22:09
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
Removal will require the use of Regedit. Kids, don't try this @ home without creating a system restore point.

Look in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Installer\UserData\

and you will find several keys such as S-1-5-18. These are security IDs. Underneath these keys, you will find a Products key. Underneath this, you can search for Philips and you will find the key you want to remove.

On my box, the key containing PENG install info is 0704C895FF634A74FBE40F109F44158B

but I think this key is assigned by Windows Installer so it will most likely be different on your PC.

Specifically, when I search for Philips, I was looking for a Name of "Display Name" that contained a string value of "ProntoEdit NG". Once I found this key, you want to navigate up to the parent key (the long one above and simply delete it). Repeat this process until you no longer see ProntoEdit NG anyhere in the ...\Installer\UserData\ subtree.

Once you have successfully removed all keys containing "ProntoEdit NG" Install information, you should no longer see the installation in the Add/Remove Programs list. Note: You must close and restart Control Panel for this removal to occur.

Bill, just so you know, regedit is complex and Windows hinges on a complete registry. As a result, you should be very, very careful such that you don't screw things up. For any inexperienced user, I highly recommend using Start->Programs->Accessories->System Tools->System Restore to create a restore point before modifying the registry.
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
OP | Post 3 made on Saturday January 14, 2006 at 22:27
Bill Kounellas
Founding Member
January 2002
Lyndel, thanks for the fast response, once again you come through for me. I will get into this tonight and set up a System Restore point before I start deleting keys. What a Pronto nightmare day it has been, 1st my kids toy fell on my TSU7000 screen and cracked it. I found a thread that informed me on how to order a replacement glass top that works with the iPaq 5100's (which also had useful information from you in it). I then get out my TSU300 remote so I can set it up to replace the TSU7000 and can not get the software to run. I am getting ready to head out of town for the week and if I do not get a Pronto to run my system, my wife will have my head. She can not operate my equipment without the Pronto.
Bill Kounellas

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