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Simulator behaving differently from the real thing..?
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Post 1 made on Tuesday June 19, 2007 at 07:00
Long Time Member
June 2007
Hi everyone, an enthusiastic newbie here :o)

I've been looking at the ccf's uploaded on here and decided to try out Richard Deakins Vista MCE lookalike which looks pretty cool.

The first thing I noticed is the download file sugests it has been written for the TSU7000 but on download and unpacking/uploading to ProntoEdit (PE) you're informed the ccf is for a European 980 model and should I want to download/use it with my TSU7500 I would need to let PE convert... which it seems to do so without much fuss.

I gave it a go in the TSU7500 emulator and all works fine but when it is physically downloded to the device itself- the remote behaves differently - not jumping correctly and simply scrolling through the home pages (with the up/down toggle buttons) unlike in the simulator.

It might be a red herring but I also noticed all the little device picture icons (on the tree navigation panel) are all red. What does the red colour mean? (Importing another device shows the icon for the new device in grey...?

Has nyone managed to get the Vista MCE ccf working on their 7500? Any chance you could zip it up and sent me so I could take a look?

What are the general guidelines around taking a ccf from a european designed ccf (ie. for the 980) and moving it over to a US model (like my 7500)?

Thanks for your suggestions.
OP | Post 2 made on Tuesday June 19, 2007 at 10:31
Long Time Member
June 2007
I've cracked it - it was the firmware on the device - uploaded the latest and all works fine.

Still a little confused as to why the device icons in the tree view of PE are showing red can anyone explain what's happening there?


Post 3 made on Tuesday June 19, 2007 at 17:05
Long Time Member
October 2003
The red icon indicates that the device is "hidden."

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