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Is this normal or is my the battery pack weak?
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Post 1 made on Monday May 21, 2007 at 16:19
Long Time Member
May 2007
I bought an used TSU3000 on eBay last week. I received it today, and it worked OK, from what I could test (Display Okay, light worked etc.).
I noticed battery was low, so I plugged it in the Dock and let it charge. Then I went off a few hours.
After returning (About 3-4 hours after I had plugged it in) I then finished my .PCF file by hand-learning the IR codes of my remotes, of which I couldn't find any pre-sets here on the site, using Pronto Edit.
After that, I tried to upload it to the Pronto but it said "Battery to low to upload on device".
So I decided to let it charge a little further.
Then I tried it once again a few minutes ago from now (writing this posting) and it still said Battery to low.
So, I'm charging the pronto for about 10hours (with the said interuptions of learning I wrote above) and it is still "too low"?

Is this normal, and I have to wait a few more hours or is the battery pack weak/nearly dead?
Post 2 made on Monday May 21, 2007 at 18:18
Loyal Member
October 2005
It looks like the battery is at the end of its life. Mine charges within a couple of hours. For normal use (as a remote not uploading or programming), I can have it out of the docking station for a few days.

You could try cycling the battery through a few charge/discharge phases just to see if it has been unused for a long time. If you do not get any improvement in battery life then I would replace the battery.
I knew this was a mistake; my grip on reality's not too good at the best of times. Glitz, in "The Ultimate Foe"
Post 3 made on Tuesday May 22, 2007 at 08:42
Active Member
April 2004
Put the remote in the docking and connect the docking to the PC. That way you can program, upload, download and learn functions without woring w/ the battery status.
OP | Post 4 made on Tuesday May 22, 2007 at 09:15
Long Time Member
May 2007
I hat put the remote into the dock, and it won't work.

Then, last evening, I removed the battery pack from the remote, and put it in again. Then, nothing happened. The remote stayed off.
So the battery packs definitely dead. I tried a battery pack of my dad's walkie-talkie (which had an similiar connector) this morning, and the Pronto went on instantly, and everything worked fine.

So, I ordered a new battery pack from Philips, today. Hope it will arrive soon.
Post 5 made on Tuesday May 22, 2007 at 13:09
Active Member
April 2004
On May 22, 2007 at 09:15, Falcon1 said...
I hat put the remote into the dock, and it won't work.

Then, last evening, I removed the battery pack from the
remote, and put it in again. Then, nothing happened. The
remote stayed off.
So the battery packs definitely dead. I tried a battery
pack of my dad's walkie-talkie (which had an similiar
connector) this morning, and the Pronto went on instantly,
and everything worked fine.

So, I ordered a new battery pack from Philips, today.
Hope it will arrive soon.

Remote should work in the docking even without a battery pack in it. Check your docking base.

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